Dotdotdot – Works – Castello di Thiene – Magic mirrors
Castello di Thiene, Vicenza, Italy
Castello di Thiene - Magic mirrors
Proximity-aware reflective surfaces for an interactive visitor experience

Dotdotdot has designed and developed for Castello di Thiene, a beautiful 16th century residence located near Vicenza, a new, enhanced visitor journey that provides its increasingly demanding audience quality contents through an interactive experience.

The journey, staged in the rooms of the Castle, is marked by “magic mirrors”, proximity-aware reflective surfaces that - through storytelling, animations and voices developed by Dotdotdot using historical information and artworks from the residence manipulated with Generative AI tools - deliver a surprising, lighthearted yet educational narration about life at the castle and its habits.

The project was publicly financed (with PR Veneto FESR 2021-2027).

The visitor’s experience

Shaped as iconic architectural elements of the palace (portals, trilobate windows, battlements and pointed arches), the interactive mirrors bring a contemporary touch to the interiors despite being visually thoroughly integrated within them.

On the surface of each mirror, the image of a “star object” (selected as the symbol of topic related to the room) appears, disappears, twists around. When the system detects the presence of a person, the voice-over of a character (a digital representation built from images of works of art of the castle) begins to tell its tale, transporting the visitor behind the scenes of History: to discover, in a dynamic and engaging evolution, the gaming culture between the 19th and 20th centuries, female customs in relation to dressing and preparation, the daily life of horses and riders, the buying and selling practices typical of the stables of the time.

The design process

To design the experience, the Dotdotdot team selected the most representative works of art of the Castle, studying their characters and stories.

Four personalities were identified as ideal storytellers and, through a process of digitization and animation, inserted as digital representations in historical settings imported from other works of art, often integrating the different inputs with Artificial Intelligence. Equipped with their own voice, the narrators thus tell intriguing, unexpected and entertaining tales that are nonetheless the result of solid historical research.


The contents of the Thiene Castle experience have been designed to ensure total accessibility. On the one hand, for the tone of voice and the style of the narration used (the first is light but always competent, the second has more registers of in-depth analysis), on the other hand, for the choice of combining the illustrated stories with sound and subtitles.

An Interactive Installation by Dotdotdot
Laura Dellamotta
Giovanna Gardi
Alessandro Masserdotti
Fabrizio Pignoloni
Antonio Cioppa
Federica Mandelli
Mirco Sturlese
Giuseppe Cirillo
Eleonora Pizzini
Nicola Ariutti
Martina Merigo
DSL Studio
Melania Della Greve