Dotdotdot – Works – Data Bugs – AI is a mirror
Milan Design Week 2024, Milano
Data Bugs - AI is a mirror
Via Tertulliano, 68
10-12 April 2024 (10am-7pm) - Private preview
15-19 April 2024 (10am-7pm) - Open to public
Data Bugs
AI is a mirror
A research project by Dotdotdot for MDW2024 to celebrate the 20 years and the new studio

Technology transforms the world. AI is transforming our world today. As often happens, the processes of innovation are too rapid and ubiquitous, therefore difficult to embrace. However, the transformative power and repercussions of AI in multiple aspects of our lives require us to reflect and take on responsibilities, not only as designers but as human beings.

Too often AI is blamed for social and ethical responsibilities, forgetting that it is a computer system that simulates human thought. Like all technologies, AI is a tool at our service: a statistical-mathematical model that constructs and suggests a world in our image. It is a reflection of who we are.

But who are we?

Who generates information and provides the datasets? Who trains the models and tracks the machine learning process to ensure that every decision can be traced, explained, confirmed, or refuted to be as faithful and fair to reality as possible?

"Data Bugs - AI is a mirror" is a reflection on the responsibilities that as human beings, we have in providing data, reducing biases, and training a technology that is revolutionizing our lives, in order to ensure equity.

In an imaginary universe populated by insects, visitors are invited to explore two scenarios where representation and simplification are two sides of the same coin. The interactive emotional experience explores and stages the generative power of AI to collectively reflect on the social implications of data representation and polarization.

“If you don’t think representation matters, you’re probably well represented” (Bernice King)

An Interactive Installation by Dotdotdot

Laura Dellamotta
Giovanna Gardi
Alessandro Masserdotti
Fabrizio Pignoloni
Sara Maniscalco
Federica Mandelli
Nicola Buccioli
Riccardo Presotto
Pietro Forino
Daniele Ciminieri
Francesco Garavaglia
Nicola Ariutti
Simone Restifo
Mirco Sturlese
Martina Merigo
Tiziano Berti
Thanks to Avuelle for technical equipments